Although the golden-crowned kinglet winters in Georgia, I rarely see it in my backyard.  In fact, in recent years, I have not even heard one there. This is despite the fact it is located each year on the local Piedmont National Wildlife Refuge/Rum Creek Wildlife Management Area Bird Count.  In spite of this, I have high expectations that my backyard golden-crowned kinglet drought will end this year.

       I base my optimism on the fact that a couple of days ago I heard the golden-crowned kinglet’s high-pitched see-see-see call coming from the top of a tall loblolly pine growing in my backyard. Although, my efforts to catch a glimpse of the secretive songster failed, I have formulated a strategy to do so.

       Whenever possible I will look for the bird in places where it is known to forage.  Since I have most often seen the bird tirelessly moving about looking for insects and their eggs among pine needles high in the tops of pines, I will concentrate my search there.  Knowing they sometimes hunt for food among hardwood branches and brush piles, I will scan them too. In addition, since during the winter they will occasionally feed on tiny seeds gleaned from plants growing in weedy patches I will also checkout the untamed, weedy areas along my property line.

       Last, but not least, I will carefully study each tiny bird that visits my suet and peanut butter feeders.  More than likely, any that I see will by rubycrowns, however, there is always the outside chance one will be the golden-crowned because they will, on rare occasions, dine on these foods.

       Even if I am not successful in seeing one of these fascinating winter visitors, I am sure I will spot other birds that I would have otherwise missed if I was not spending so much time looking for this tiny olive-gray bird that dons a crown of gold.

       If you have seen golden-crowned kinglets in your yard, I would enjoy hearing about your good fortune.



  1. I spotted three in my backyard on Saturday! Its been three years since I had juncos, phoebes and kinglets. Woodstock, ,Ga.

  2. Hi I was sitting very still in the woods at about 740am last week observing roosted turkeys and a small and very active male golden kinglet landed on the branch just in front of me. He was quite noisy and active and flew all over the small wood. Very specific call I would suggest heavily wooded areas with low shrubs.

    • Donald,

      What a great story! I have never been that close to the birds. I am sure that your sitting still was one reason why the bird got as close at it did. Good birding tip.


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