FALCATE ORANGETIP – Anthocharis midea

FALCATE ORANGETIP - Anthocharis midea

This delicate, little butterfly prefers to live in open woodlands throughout the northern two-thirds of the state. It is also an uncommon backyard visitor anywhere from late February to early June. I see this species most often in Monroe County during March. It has only one flight per year so, if you don’t see it during the short time it is on the wing, you will have to wait until next year to enjoy its beauty.

The falcate orange tip has a wingspan of only 1.25 – 1.75 inches. The butterfly’s forewings are hooked and display a small black spot. Although the upper side of the wings is white, the tips of the male’s wings are orange. From below, this butterfly displays a marbled gray pattern.

The falcate orangetip’s host plants are members of the mustard family and include a number of plants including field peppergrass and rockcress.






4 thoughts on “FALCATE ORANGETIP – Anthocharis midea

    • Thank you very much. The webmaster, Kim, and I are always trying to make it the best that we can make it.


    • With the odd weather we have experienced during the past few years in my neck of the woods, it has been hard to find the best date to go looking for them. This year they were very early. I hope you see lots of them this year.


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